Beijing jidere ụlọ ọrụ teknụzụ na-enweghị ọnụ ahịa na mpaghara Beijing (BDA), na-amalite na ngbanwe na ngbanwe dị elu na ngbanwe ha nwetara ihe nlele. Ngwaahịa anyị edozizi nsogbu ọrụ aka ha. Since then we Beijing Grip was acknowledged as an appointed pipe couplings supplier for marine equipment, shipbuilding, oil & gas in China for over decade. Anyị na-aga n'ihu na-etolite ma melite ngwaahịa anyị iji zute ndị ahịa na-achọwanye.
Our products are certified with ISO9001-2008 ,CCS (China Classification Society), DNV.GL, BV, NK, RMRS and so on, which confirm BJGRIP quality and make us the No.1 pipe couplings manufacturer in China. Anyị na-enweta ihe na-arụ ọrụ 2000 square mita, otu abụọ R & D na otu egwuregwu QC iji hụ na mmepụta oge na nke ruru eru.
Interpise Culture
Mission Courtent:
Gbalịa imewe ma mepụta ngwaahịa ndị dị elu na ụwa site na teknụzụ.
Ọhụụ Ọhụụ:
Mee ngwaahịa klaasị mbụ iji wuo ihe eji eme ka ụwa dịkwuo mma.
Uru ụlọọrụ:
Ebere, nkwenye, njikwa, nke nchịkwa.